Localized Unresectable Despite being a localized mass, the tumor may be unresectable because crucial blood vessel structures are involved or because the liver is impaired. Standard Treatment There is no standard therapy, so patients should be considered for clinical trials . Two-Year Survival Less than 5 percent Investigational • Liver transplantation may be attempted in patients who are deemed unresectable because of poor liver function and whose tumors are not intertwined with blood vessels in the abdomen. This seems to be of benefit in patients with the fibrolamellar variant. Preliminary data suggests that some patients with typical liver cancer may benefit from liver transplantation, but only if those patients are carefully selected and receive other treatment directed against the cancer. • Cryosurgery holds some promise to allow the removal of otherwise unresectable tumors, but the technique is done only by a few specialized physicians. • Radiation and an antibody that identifies and attacks liver tumor cells (the polyclonal antiferritin antibody) may allow some patients to be treated surgically, as might chemoembolization.